This week's goal was to use Georeferencing tools and ArcScene to create and export a map of the 3D scene using ArcMap.
Process Summary:
1. Open eDesktopGIS and create a folder for the week on s:drive\Intro2GIS\Week 11_Georeferencing.
2. Move this week’s folder ( from r:drive to the s:drive and unzip.
3. Open ArcMap and open a blank template and minimize window.
4. Open ArcCatalog and minimize window. Navigate to the unzipped folder.
5. Drag into ArcMap the buildings and roads shapefiles. Save File as Week12_Map_AK.mxd.
6. Next add in uwf_n.jpg. Error message appears, click OK
7. Maximize ArcMap and open up the Georeferencing toolbar: Customize – Toolbars – Georeferencing.
8. Set uwf_n.jpg as the layer and from the Georeferencing dropdown menu select “Fit To Display”. Save.
9. Add control points by using the add control points button. Identify the common points on the known (buildings and roads layers) and the unknown raster (photo of UWF). To start click on the unknown (a street corner, building corner or other static feature), then click on the referenced (known) point to link the two points together. This moves the unreferenced raster layer to align the control point.
10. Repeat until you have at as many accurate control points as possible with a less than 15 Total RMS. To be able to view this, open up the Links Table using the View Links Table button on the Georeferencing toolbar.
11. Delete the points that are way off in the residual and try to keep the residuals as low as possible. Add more points if it helps, so that you can have a low RMS error and delete those that are off. The more points you have the better as you are better able to delete hi points and get closer to a < 15 RMS without needing to add more. Keep Link Table open as you work through map to be able to tell if your error is dropping. For my map I ended up with 10 control points and a Total RMS Error of 3.26380.
12. Click the update Georeferencing command on the Georeferencing toolbar. Save.
13. Minimize ArcMap and then go to the minimized ArcCatalog window. Drag the uwf_s1.jpg photo and add it to the map. Error message appears, click OK
14. Maximize ArcMap and set uwf_s1.jpg as the layer and from the Georeferencing dropdown menu select “Fit To Display”. Save
15. Zoom out to be able to view then repeat georeferencing. NOTE: At times it may help to start a little off the corner for the unknown so that it aligns properly. Also if you get an error message click okay and just go back and delete the control point that caused the alignment to be off. To know which, click on the points in the link table and where it lights up yellow is the point that you have selected, this way you now which to delete. Also at time it may help to alternate georeferencing if getting too many errors, switch to align roads, or buildings and vice versa if getting too many error messages. On the 2nd jpg, look for common points and just try to link the known with the unknown as best as you can, eventually it will pull all points together and make the map zoomed in so not a small window to view through. Play with Zoom to get to where you can see the control points/links better. At times even when you get an error message, continue through it and do not necessarily delete that point just yet, just be sure to do a better job at aligning on the next one and it will most often correct itself. The goal is to try to get the known layer to line up directly above the unknown. Use different parts of the map to pull everything in and be able to reduce those residuals and overall the Total RMS Error. To figure out what to pull, look at the areas of the map that may be misaligned (buildings/roads) and pull those. When you come to deleting, things will begin to realign.As with before, create as many points as possible to try to align everything. You can always go back in and delete those with high residuals. Save often.
16. For my map I ended up with 10 points and an RMS Error of 13.96055 in the 1st order polynomial. Changing to a 2nd order polynomial, reduced the error to 8.63512. For this map, I could not use a 3rd order polynomial despite having 10 points, the figure was further distorted and did not look right, so I settled for the 2nd order polynomial. NOTE: You may notice that as you continue to add more control points, the error may increase but the map looks more aligned. In this case, it the added points and you will go in there and delete the high residuals. Could be that some of the earlier points were off, so it is not always that the newer points are the cause of the error. My final RMS Error was 2.39215 with 10 points at a 2nd order polynomial. Save and close the Link table.
17. As before, click the update Georeferencing command on the Georeferencing toolbar. Save.
18. To remove the black edges of the uwf_s1, go to it’s properties and check the box next to Display background Value: (R,G,B) while leaving the values next to it as 0,0,0. Then to remove the jagged line of black pixels along the edges of uwf_s1, move uwf_n above uwf_s1 in the TOC. Unfortunately while it took the big black line out, there still is a think white line across my map, L!
19. Highlight the Buildings layer then, Under Editor Toolbar, click Start Editing. Then go to the end of the toolbar and click “Create Features” button. Window opens up and double click on Buildings to specify it as the layer you will be adding to.
20. Keep the default settings in the template properties window that opens and press OK. Then go to the construction Tools and select polygon and click at each corner of the building until you draw a polygon around the Building 072.
21. Since the layer did not show up, click the organize template button in the create features window to bring up the Organize Template Feature window. Select New Template. When the Create New Templates Wizard Window opens up make sure the boxes next to the Buildings and Roads are checked, then click Finish. The Athletic Fields Layer is added to the Create Features window.
22. With the building selected, click on the attributes button on the editor toolbar. Change the height of the building – 13 meters and the building number to 072. Save Edits.
23. Next digitize the road the shown to the Roads Layer. Start by double clicking on the roads layer to open up the template properties window. As with the building, keep the default settings and click Ok. Begin to draw a road. Then using the Snapping toolbar, move the vertices and align the road to the center line on the map. Manipulate which snapping feature you use and mainly go with the point snapping unless at the end, then go for the end or vertex snapping. With the road still highlighted click on the attributes button and add the name – Campus Lane. Save edits, stop editing and save your map.
24. Update the roads symbol change color to red and width of 2.
25. Open ArcScene (Start Menu>All Programs>ArcGIS>ArcScene10).
26. With ArcCatalog window minimized, refresh the catalog tree then drag the layers, roads, buildings, uwf_s1.jpg, uwf_n.jpg and uwf_dem.
27. Click on Roads layer, open properties window, Base Heights Tab and under elevation from surfaces, select “floating on a custom surface”, then select UWF_DEM in the dropdown menu if it has not already been selected for you.
28. Repeat Step 27 for each of the remaining layers with the exception of the uwf-dem layer.
29. Next click on Buildings layer, open properties, Extrusion tab, check the “Extrude features in layer” In the Extrusion value or expression:” type [Height]. Under “Apply extrusion by” select “adding it to each feature’s maximum height”. OK. From main dropdown menu, select view, scene properties and in the general tab, change the vertical exaggeration to 5. To check that the digitalized features can be seen, change the roads to solar yellow with a width of two and the buildings to fire red, outline width of 1 and an outline color of Gray 70%. Save Map as Week12_Map_AK-c.sxd.
30. Be able to see the Campus Ln road feature and the Building 072 feature.
31. Then from main menu bar, click File>Export Scene>2D. Save image to the folder on your s:drive and save it as a jpeg file.
32. Add the new image to your arcmap, using the add data button and then add the jpg. It make take some turning off layers and back on to be able to see it. Be sure you have the new 2D jpeg ontop of all the other layers for you to be able to see it. Save.
33. Zoom to the new layer and switch to layout view. Change to landscape (be sure to check, landscape, use printer paper settings, show printer marginos on layout, scale map elements proportionally to changes in paper size), Insert Neatline (border = 2.0 point, background = light blue, drop shadow = Grey 60%, Gap = 10.0 point and rounding = 0%). Insert Legend (border = 0.5 point, background = light blue, drop shadow = Grey 60%, Gap = 10.0 point and rounding = 0%)
34. Be sure to have completed the previous aerial in arcmap by adding neatline as above. No need for Legend. Save as a jpeg file.
35. Insert Data Frame to your map with the 2D view and position both views to where the map appears balanced. Insert title, source and name and text about Raster Transformation and RMS Error. Save Map (Week12_Map_AK-b.mxd). Export as a Jpeg file and upload to blog and submit to drop box.